Back To School
The first day of the 2024-25 school year is rapidly approaching, and we wanted to provide you with some important information that should help you plan for your student’s first day and beyond. Read on for start dates and a back-to-school checklist.
Pre-K – including Head Start – will begin Thursday, September 5.
Prior to that date, PreK school teams will contact families to schedule a home visit with their child’s teacher.
PreK enrollment is currently open. You can begin the enrollment process here.
Kindergarten begins Tuesday, September 3.
All kindergarteners and their families will participate in Kindergarten Ramp Up between August 27-30. The Ramp Up includes a one-day orientation for kindergarten students and a one-on-one conversation between each kindergarten family and their teacher. Kindergarten school teams will contact families to schedule these events.
Kindergarten enrollment is currently open. You can begin the enrollment process here.
K-5 schools: All students in grades 1-5 start on August 27.
K8 schools: All students in grades 1-6 start on August 27*. Students in grades 7 and 8 will start on August 28.
Comprehensive middle schools: Students in grade 6 will start on August 27*. Students in grades 7 and 8 will begin on August 28.
Comprehensive and focus high schools: Students in grades 9 and 12 will begin on August 27**. Students in grades 10 and 11 start on August 28.
For PPS Multiple Pathways to Graduation alternative and charter schools start dates,
*This will allow middle grades teachers to focus support on sixth grade students to launch their transition to middle grade learning.
**This will provide freshmen the opportunity to participate in activities to transition to high school and allow seniors to connect and prepare for their final year in PPS.
Back-to-School Checklist
Please complete the yearly student verification form to ensure we’re reaching you via the right contact information and in the right language. (Parents new to PPS will receive an email from their student’s school with instructions to get started.)
We would also encourage you to on your mobile device. Remind will be the district’s primary communication tool going forward.
Have you reviewed the 24-25 calendar? You’ll find a PDF and translations on the right side of this webpage. Please make note of all holidays, days without school, vacation windows, etc.
Have you thought about how you will get to school? Learn more about bus transportation here, or explore Safe Routes to School .
Have you updated your child’s immunization records? You can do so . The immunization form is available in several different languages from the Oregon Health Authority.
Have you reviewed the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook with your student?
Will you help beautify your school grounds? We’ll have a large clean-up day on Saturday, August 17. For more information, visit the Project Community Care webpage.